dominique + serena is a multidisciplinary architectural studio founded by Dominique Hauderowicz and Kristian Ly Serena. We are especially interested in the social potentials of architecture and the build environment. 

Nakskov is a town with an industrial history in the southern part of Denmark on the edge of a unique fjord archipelago. This project includes the transformation of two historic buildings and the quay into a continuous cultural district on the city’s border to the fjord. Different indoor and outdoor spaces are revitalized to provide opportunities for civic, social and commercial life. The former ferry berth is transformed into a harbor park giving a recreational access to the fjord.
Nakskov Cultural District

Building and landscape transformation, cultural heritage, museum strategy. 

Commission for the municipality of Lolland. 
Nakskov, Denmark, 2014-2017.

Assistant: Siv Bøttcher. 
Advisors: Allan Munk, Moe Rådgivende Ingeniører and Jens Bertelsen, Bertelsen & Scheving Arkitekter.   

Two buildings on the harbor front are restored with respect for their historic value and tectonics. Through a series of smaller additions new cultural and business programs inhabit the spaces that once sheltered dockers and goods: an open historic archive, a living shipbuilding museum as well as spaces that may host music, gatherings, workshops or teaching; large in- and outdoor halls for markets or concerts, kayak and bike-rentals, restitution spots, exhibition opportunities and a tourist information.  
The proposal also includes a museum strategy involving existing local museums, living local communities and stakeholders, as well as natural and historic landmarks in the city and on the fjord, working together as a decentralized ecological museum.