dominique + serena is a multidisciplinary architectural studio founded by Dominique Hauderowicz and Kristian Ly Serena. We are especially interested in the social potentials of architecture and the build environment. 

We just returned from the Nordic & Baltic Conference on Ageing and the Public Space, organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers, meeting collgues from the fields of care, architecture and urban planning. Dominique gave a talk on inclusive public spaces and participated in a panel discussion on the possibilities and obstacles of broad implementation. Read more about the Nordic Council of Ministers here.

We are incredibly excited and humbled to share that we have been chosen as curators for the Danish Pavillon for the 20th Venice Architecture Biennale taking place in 2027. 
We would like to thank the jury, consisting of representatives from the Danish Architecture Centre, Realdania, Statens Kunstfond and the Danish Ministry of Culture. We look very much forward to the collaboration with our institutional partners and our brilliant team. Read more about it all here and the offical press release here

Over the past months, dominique + serena, alongside researchers from Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn, have been doing follow-up research on Realdanias ‘Steder vi mødes’ (Places we meet)-campain. The aim of the project is to create and develop meeting spaces for elderly citizens, initiated by local communities. As part of this work, we have developed a small publication, just released by Realdania. You can find the publication here

Kristian is participating in a cross-disciplinary talk arranged by Køge Kommune and their visionary laboratory for green transformation (grøn omstilling). Along with Kreils Ekelund from Rådet for Bæredygtigt Byggeri (Council on sustainable construction) and architect Pia Dyrendahl Staven, Kristian will dive into the studio’s transformation of Bramhøjgård into a culture climate house/landscape and more in general address the social potentials of circular building culture.

Dominique will be speaking at the Nordic and Baltic Conference on Dementia an Age-friendly Cities for Everyone, taking place in Riga 30.Sept-01.Oct. 2024. 
The conference is organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia. Register here.  

We have just completed a temporary urban intervention in Skørping, Northern Jutland, DK. The aim was dual: creating an inclusive spatial backdrop to the towns’ yearly festival, as well as try out the planned urban renewal in a 1:1 scale before the final design stages and construction begins. The collaboration with local volunteers and members of the ‘working group’ connected to the project development, resulted in a multi-layered space – in use throughout the festive weekend by many different age-groups! Read more about the project here. 


Dominique has been nominated by the Danish Architectural Association to the Danish Art Foundations ‘Repræsentantskab,’ an advisory group of 49 professionals, representing different branches of cultural production in Denmark. Among other tasks, the group is in charge of chosing the recipients of the lifelong honorary stipendium given by the Arts Foundation to distinguished artists, authors, musicians and architects. 

Our project for ‘Bramhøjgård’ a new cultural gathering space in the outskirts of Køge, has been approved for financing by Realdania and Lokale & Anlægsfonden with generous donations of 10 mill. DKK. The project is now fully financed, and is now entering the next stage. Take a look here.

We are thrilled to annouce that dominique + serena has been shortlisted for the role of curator for the Danish Pavillon at the 20th Biennale Architettura, taking place in Venice in 2027. For the first time in Denmark, the curator is to be found through an open call. Along four other teams, we are invited to develop our initial proposal further, and present it to a jury of leading industry figures, representing the Danish Ministry of Culture, the Danish Architecture Centre, and the Danish Arts Foundation. Read more about the process and the other teams here

Dominique will, along other young practioners, be participating at a panel debate at the Heritage Futures scene of the OPEN24 festival taking place at the Aarhus school of Architecture the 20th of September. The panel will include
Mahamed Abdi (DK/SO), Rune Wriedt (DK), Cisse Bomholt (DK/NO) & Elisabeth Gellein (NO). The talk will be moderated by Vandkunstens’ Søren Nielsen (DK).
See the full programme and get your tickets here.

Dominique will be joining the advisory board for this years OPEN24 festival at the Århus School of Architecture. OPEN is a one day architecture festival, inviting leading figures within the field of architecture, both domestic and international, to join discussions, talks and exhibitions under one common theme. This years theme is ‘The ocean in which we all swim’- and is curated by Karen Kjærsgaard, Margarida Waco and Simon Strøyer. 

The philantropic organisation Realdania has just launched a campain for the development of inclusive gathering places across Denmark. Kristian will work as an advisor for the project, as well as conduct follow up research, along with researchers from the foundation Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn. The project spans over the next three years, with build projects to be handed over to their users during 2026. 

We have just completed a three week stay at the Danish Art Workshops, where we have been prototyping our first public art installation ‘Klimaværk’ to be realized in 2025. Read more here. 

Dominique has just wrapped an interview show for the WHO (World Health Organisation) along with Yongjie Yon, Technical Officer at World Health Organization: “Health in Europe” explores the vital realm of designing age-friendly outdoor spaces for healthy ageing. We will post a link to the episode once it is published.  

Tomorrow, the 1st of November at 1pm, Kristian will be speaking at AARCH, the Århus School of Architecture. The title of the lecture is ‘100 models’ focusing on the studios extensive work on and the exploration of the architectural model as tool, medium and representation.

Dominique will be a key-note speaker at the  ‘Age-friendly Cities in the Nordic Region’ conference hosted by the Nordic Welfare Centre in the UN City in Copenhagen the 2nd & 3rd of November 2023. All information and link to the registration can be found here.

The philantropic Dreyers Foundation and the Danish Architectural Association has done a feature on us and our work, as part of their START initative. The interview focuses on how we see the relationship between our practice and life in general, especially regarding ageing and material culture. The interview and video are in Danish and can be found here.

This weekend, at the Klimax festival in Køge, Denmark, we are exhibiting a little sneak peek from our project for a climate-conscious and resource-cyclic transformation of the farm Bramhøjgård into a community hub. Selected drawings and models from the ongoing work are shown on site, within the window frames of what is to become a rain-pavilion in the future: a spatial instrument that collects and exhibits the rainfall as a ressource of both utilitarian and atmospheric value.  We are looking foreward to reveailing more soon...

Kristian is part of the reference group for Realdanias newest campaign ‘Steder vi mødes’ (Meeting Places), aiming at developing new meeting places and social infrastructure for elderly and senior citizens. Read more and apply through the following link:

Dominique has contributed an essay to the book ‘Who is the architect?’ edited by Building Diversity, a collective based in Copenhagen, aiming at stimulating discussions about inculsion and diversity in the architectural field. The book is published by the Danish Architectural Press and is available for preorder here. The book will be released the 28th of June at Valencia - The Dreyers Foundation at 4pm. Come j
Dominique will be a guest critic at the Master Studio 3AUgly Waste’ at the Aarhus School of Architecture led by Ula Kozminska and Matīss Groskaufmanis. The studio is concerned with flows of waste, materials & resources and its architectural potentials.

Its that time of the year again! Dominique will be assessing diploma work at The Royal Academy, School of Architecture - for the schools’ Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability master studio. Read more here.

We are humbled and excited to be awarded a generous working grant by the Danish Arts Foundation. The grant is a recognition of our work this far, as well as an encouragement towards the continued development of our practice.

This meaningful acknowledgment comes at an exciting time for our studio, as we are currently working on a number of projects dealing with inclusion, social & material cultures and adaptive reuse in time of planetary crisis. It is an honor to be able to develop this work further with this generous support. Read the comittees’ encouraging motivation here.

We are very proud to be included in the book ‘Emerging European Practices’ alongside a wide range of interesting architects, offices and practices from across Europe. The book features a compilation of interviews, offering a glimpse into the work and thinking of continental architecture right now. Get your copy here.

Dominique will be giving a lecture at the Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria on Thursday 17th of November at 5 pm. The lecture is part of the universities’ Club20 Architektur:zoomtown series and will center around inclusive planning and practice. The lecture will be held in German. More details can be found here

We are honoured to be included in the book (SHARE) Conversations about Contemporary Architecture - The Nordic Countries by Todd Saunders and Jonathan Bell published by Artifice Press. The book is beautiful and includes interesting insights into prominent offices across Scandinavia. Find the book here.

Kristian will be giving an online lecture as part of the Ruhr Master School at the Fachhochschule Dortmund International Week. The lecture is titled Change of Perspective: Human Centered Design and will take place November 15th 2022 at 2pm. More info and links to sign up here.

We are excited to be contributing to the 1st Biennale of Urban Landscape organised by On the 10th of September, we will host a workshop titled City for all: Age-inclusive spatial practice, where we will dive deep into the theme and our own work. Read more about the ambitious Biennale programme here and register for the workshop (free) here

Age-Inclusive Public Space has been chosen to be part of The Neighbourhood Index - by the Oslo Architecture Triennale. The Neighbourhood Index is Oslo Architecture Triennale’s catalogue of neighbourhood projects, practices and perspectives. Together these contribute to the Triennale mission: creating more sustainable, diverse and thriving neighbourhoods.

Dominique will be participating as a guest critic for the final review of the ‘Designing Collectivity, Designing Politically’ masters course of the Oslo Architecture School (AHO), alongside Meriem Chabani and Tanja Lie.

Dominique has been invited to speak at the conferance Ein bustad for heile livet (A home for life) in Bergen, Norway, the 31st of May. The conference is organized by Aldersvennlig Norge, an organisation working towards gearing society for demographic change. The conference can be rewatched in its full length here

We are happy to announce that ‘Aldersinkluderende rumlig praksis
has just been published by the Danish Architectural Press. The booklet is a condensed version of the learnings from ‘Age-Inclusive Public Space’ for a Nordic audience. It can be ordered here.

dominique + serena is chosen to be part of Projekt START, an initiative of the Danish Architectural Association and Dreyers Fond, to establish relations between municipal clients and young Danish Architectural offices. More on the project here- and a presentation of the studio here

The studio will be contributing to ‘Kulturkonferansen Vestland’ on November 18th, organised by the Norwegian Vestland City Council, giving a broad perspective on the theme of Inclusive Public Spaces. 

We will be speaking at “Kuratorpraksis + det offentlige rom 2021“ (Curatorial practice + the public space 2021) the 16-18. of November in Oslo, organised by  KORO. KORO is Norway´s national body responsible for curating, producing and activating art in public space. This series of events focuses on the role of art and architecture for inclusion in public space. 

dominique + serena is proud to present our work at the conference “Inclusion - How do we make room for all kinds of elderly people?” hosted by the EGV Foundation (Social inclusion of older adults). The foundation hosts a bi-annual conference highlighting a present-day topic, this year focusing on the relationship between the ageing individual and society.

The Federal Association Initiative 50Plus (BVI50Plus) is a German organization representing the interests of the country’s ageing population and is “bearing our share of responsibility for shaping our society and the future of our country.” Initiating discussing and policy change, the BVI50Plus has invited Dominique for an interview that will be aired as part of the Demographie Debatte Deutschland 2021. The event takes place the 24th and 25th of June, and can be accessed digitally. For info and event details please follow this link

One of the greatest pleasures of writing and editing Age-Inclusive Public Space has been discussing and reading thoughtful reactions to our work. An in-depth review of the book has just been published by Patrick Devlieger and Marc Dujardin in the Spring issue of the Journal Anthropology and Aging. As the Journal is open access the review and issue is available for download via this link.  

The virtual inauguration for the Young European Architects exhibition at the 17th International Architecture Biennale in Venice can be accessed through this link

The studio has been chosen for the  Young European Architects exhibition at the 17th International Architecture Biennale in Venice. The vernissage and award ceremony will take place both physically at the Palazzo Santa Maria Nova and digitally on the opening night of the Biennale the 21st of May 2021 at 7:00pm local time. We are very proud to have been chosen for the exhibition showcasing important work of a new generation of architects across Europe. Learn more here.

Our studio is featured at the New Generations Platform. The site is  “a European platform that investigates the changes in the architectural profession ever since the economic crisis of 2008.” Read a bit about our work and (love) story here.

The studio contributes to the publication ‘Useful Cities for Seniors’ (Brugbare Byer for Seniorer) published by the Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen) and lecures on ‘Practical learnings from age-inclusive urban projects’. Read more here - and download the publication here for free.

Successful first test-installation of one of our foldable and temporary market roof covers for our project on the main square in Næstved, Denmark. Soon the local fair can move in.
More on the project here

A book review of Age-inclusive Public Space is featured in Urban Design magazine #157. Thanks to Richead Cole for his thoughts and perspectives. Find it online here. 

A thorough review of our age-inclusive case study #1 is featured in the danish planning magazine teknik og miljø.  

The studio just finished teaching a five day workshop titled The Model as Representation at Krabbesholm Højskole. Using the complex work of Aldo Van Eyck as a point of departure, the workshop focused on the relations between scale, space and representation. 

Finally able to test our mobile and foldable market stand in 1:1. 

The stand was assembled as an indoor final test before joining the weekly fair at the main square. It is designed of lightweight flattened steel parts to be assembled fast with a minimum of bolts needed.

 More on the project here

Another review Age-Inclusive Public Space was recently published in the latest edition of Danish architecture magazine Arkitekten. Reviewed by Karen Zahle, b. 1931, architect and former Head of the Laboratory for Housing. Find it online here.

A great review of Age-Inclusive Public Space was just published in the latest edition Norwegian architecture magazine Arkitektur N (Nr. 4 2020). The review is written by Johnny Aspen, professor at the Institute of Urban Theory, Department of Landscape and Urbanism at the Oslo School of Architecture. It is a great honour for us to read this thorough reflection on our work. Find the review here and order the edition here.

Dominique will be contributing to the public webinar Smart Cities are universally designed cities initiated by the Nordic Welfare Centre on the 27th of October 10am CET. The webinar is free and the presenters will introduce interesting examples from across Scandinavia. The full programme and registrations can be found here.  

We are sad to announce that for the second time this year, we must cancel the launch event for our book Age-Inclusive Public Space we had planned with the Copenhagen Architecture Festival and the Architectural Association, due to the current developement of the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope to be able to hold an event and celebration at a different occasion. 

We will be giving a lecture at the Oslo School of Architecture AHO, as part of the Fall 2020 Lecture Series initiated by the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape. The lecture is titled Elasticity, Polyvalence and Atmosphere - spatial concepts for an inclusive architectur and will take place digitally via Zoom Thursday September 17th at 10 am. 
The lecture is open to the public, and a link to the Zoom space can be requested by e-mail. Read more about the lecture and series here.

Alongside a great panel, consisting of the recognized urbanist Jan Gehl, vice-Chairwomen of the Architectural Association and vice-Dean at the Aarhus School of Architecture Kristine Leth Juul, Dominique will discuss the The Future of the Built Environment at this years Building Green Conference in Copenhagen. The panel, taking place the 28th of October 1pm, will be moderated by Director of the Architectural Association Lars Autrup. Find the ambitious program here.

We are thrilled to have another review of Age-Inclusive Public Space published. Renowned Dutch magazine Archined just published a wonderfully thorough review by Andrea Prins. Find the original here or a translation here.

We have just inspected a mock-up of the three dynamic market structures we have developed as part of a project for Næstved Kommune. The construction is set to be completed within a few short months.

The initiators and local community behind House of Walking celebrated a project milestone by publishing the project in its entirety on the building site. We are very happy to be involved in this inspiring project fusing community based tourism and local, sustainable development.

10.08.2020 Age-Inclusive Public Space made it to the long-list of nominees for an award at the “Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2020.” The prestigious annual competition initiated by the Foundation Buchkunst, is a celebration of innovation, design and quality and continues the long standing German tradition in the fields of books and publishing. The wonderful selection of awarded books can be found here.

Responding to the current moment and wishing to support these important initiatives we decided to donate a few copies of our book to the Design Yard Sale organized by alumni of the Harvard GSD. The project recieved donations from all across the Design community and raised over 100k $ for the Bail project and Colloqate. A wonderful collection of resources can be found here.

A short interview with Dominique is featured on the TV channel of Bundesverband Initiative 50Plus, a German organisation working on agendas concerning demographic change and the ageing population. The interview in German can be found here

Interview with Dominique & Kristian featured on Hatje Cantz’ website. Find it here.

A short but consise review of Age-Inclusive Public Space in Italian art (eccetera) magazine Artibune. Read it the italian version here or a translated version here.

We are very proud to be featured in the German weekly magazine Spiegel, with an interview about our book and age-inclusive spaces. Read the full interview here.

Dominique completed her 32km/12 hour walk as part of the 100 day performance Wa(l)king Copenhagen the 17th of June. Her walk 12 institutions thematizised the Danish welfare state from cradle to grave, and resulted in a series of livestreams combined with pre-recorded sound collages. See all the videos and read more about the project here.

Dominique and Kristian are back at the academy for a few days each summer. 
Since 2014 we have been appointed examiners at the Royal Danish Academy of Arts, School of Architecture as well as the Aarhus School of Architecture. These coming weeks, we will be participating in the assesment of students’ work at masters and diploma levels in the fields of Culture, Transformation and Political Architecture. 

Dominique and Kristian have become members of the Nordic Expert Group on Loneliness and Social Isoloation. We are very happy to contribute to the important work of the Nordic Welfare Centre in Scandinavia. Read more about the work here.

Dominique will be participating in the 100 day
performance Wa(l)king Copenhagen initiated by performance group Metropolis. Metropolis is widely recognised for their art and performances in public spaces. 

Wa(l)king Copenhagen

100 ARTISTS, 100 WALKS, 100 DAYS
Metropolis has invited 100 artists living in Copenhagen to create 100 curated walks through the city over the
next 100 days starting 1 May, a day of collective walking. This can be seen as a performative diary form a city where the corona virus sets the agenda and has radically changed our daily life. Each artist walks for 12 hours and starts at home. Every hour he/she gives a “sign of life” via live-streaming.
Follow Wa(l)king Copenhagen live on facebook.

The day of the walk will be the 17th of June, and you can read about the program here.

Spaces of the Public (T. Frogner, J. Wiewiura, V. Hendricks & F. Stjernfeldt eds) an anthalogy featuring a series of Scandinavian writers and artists was reviewed by philosopher Steen Nepper Larsen in Danish Newspaper Information (Danish).

Our letter to the Mayor of Copenhagen is included in the podcast Byens Ånd produced by the Danish Architecture Center. Listen to the episode here (Danish).

The studio was invited to contribute to a series of visions Post Covid-19 for the future of architecture and the built environment, initiated by the Danish Architecture Association. The essay thematizes digital and local production and its’ implications for city planning. The essay can be found here (Danish).

Review of ‘Age-Inclusive Public Space’ by Rumsans/Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut. Find it here (Danish)

Dominique and Kristian were invited by Copenhagen Architecture Festival to write a letter to the Mayor of Copenhagen, Frank Jensen - under the series “Letters to the Mayor. The digital publication containing all the letters can be found here (Danish).

Kristian Ly Serena was interviewed by the editor of the New Books Network Marshall Poe. The conversation centers around the studios’ work on age-inclusive public space, with a special emphasis on intergenerational encounters. Find the podcast here (English).

The podcast is also featured on publisher Hatje Cantz’ anniversary website, among other really inspiring work


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